Pregnancy Clinic

  • 01732 647072
  • 07954 756042
1st Trimester Scans
2nd Trimester Scans
3rd Trimester Scans
Reassurance scans

Fetal growth & Doppler scan (28 to 36 weeks)

The growth scans are carried out in the third trimester of pregnancy from about 28 weeks’ every 3 to 4 weeks till delivery. The scan includes a comprehensive examination of the fetal growth parameters, amniotic fluid volume and assessment of blood flows in the umbilical cord and baby’s body.

Who needs growth scans in third trimester of pregnancy?

Any pregnant mother can have growth scan assessments  as they provide reassurance about normality of the baby’s growth and well-being of the pregnancy. They are particularly important in pregnancies that have a high-chance of developing growth problems such as those due to placental problems. There are several factors that can be associated with placental dysfunction (less than optimal function of the placenta) but some examples include mothers with advanced age, those with IVF/ICSI conception, those with a history of medical problems, those with a previous pregnancy with birth of a small baby and pregnancies with findings such as low level of PAPP-A (placental protein measured at 11-13 weeks).

What is examined at the growth and well-being scan?

Growth and anatomy

The growth scan includes an assessment of fetal growth and estimation of weight from measurements of the baby’s head, abdomen and limbs. Each of these measurements are plotted on a graph to assess growth with regard to the normal range for that specific week of pregnancy but also to compare the baby’s growth trajectory in relation to previous scans by assessment of the growth velocity.

Placenta, umbilical cord and amniotic fluid

The baby’s well-being assessment includes measurement of amniotic fluid and examination of blood flows. The amniotic fluid volume assessment is helpful as in pregnancies without rupture of membranes, a reduced amount of fluid can be suggestive of reduced placental function especially in babies that are small. However, a normal amount if fluid is reassuring. The scan also includes an assessment of characteristics of blood flows in the umbilical cord, baby’s brain (in a blood vessel called middle cerebral artery) and close to the baby’s heart (in a blood vessel called ductus venosus). Normal values from this comprehensive assessment provide reassurance about the baby’s well-being.

How is the scan carried out?

The anomaly scan is performed transabdominally (scanning through the abdomen). A full bladder is not required for these scans.

How happens after the scan?

You will be explained the results of the scan in detail and provided with a comprehensive report including measurements obtained during the scan. All images obtained during the scan will be provided to you along with an electronic version of the ultrasound scan report.

How happens after the scan?

You will be explained the results of the scan in detail and provided with a comprehensive report including all the findings observed measurements obtained during the scan. All images obtained during the scan will be provided to you along with an electronic version of the ultrasound scan report. You will be provided information about further scan appointments.

How can I book my growth scan?

You can book your appointment by clicking the link here (Growth scan booking). Alternatively, you can e-mail or call 01732 647072 to book your appointment. You will have the option of booking an evening or weekend appointment and the booking team from the clinic will contact you within 12-24 hours to book this.